Most coaches want to be seen as an expert in their field.

They spend hours writing blog posts, articles, LinkedIn updates, or newsletters.

Don’t do that.

All these writings don’t have a shelf life.

– The shelf life of a LinkedIn post is one day.
– The shelf life of an online article is for one week.
– The shelf life of a newsletter is a fortnight (or even less).

Write a book instead.

Books have a shelf life of years. Sometimes even decades.

For over a century, books have been the top scalable asset for cultivating trust and establishing authority.

They also serve as a valuable resource for populating your pipeline with pre-qualified prospects.

The more people read your book, the more your pipeline flows.
It is very much a “set-it-and-forget-it” method.

Your book can generate leads and sales for years to come.

When I wrote my first book, overnight, I became an authority.

Since then I have written 4 more books.

My books are my main marketing tool.

Writing books has radically transformed my life with benefits far beyond the financial.

Now I want to share my knowledge with you, through a FREE Email course.

This is what you will learn:

Day 1: Step 1 – Unleash Your Expertise: The Power of Transforming Knowledge into a Timeless Book

Day 2: Step 2 – Narrow Your Focus: Craft Your Book for Your Ideal Audience

Day 3: Step 3 – Find Your Book’s Focus: Choose the Right Type and Topic

Day 4: Step 4 – Outline Your Masterpiece: Create A Roadmap By Generating Ideas

Day 5: Step 5 – Master the Art of Book Structure: Transform Outline into a Structure

Day 6: [Bonus] – Effortless Writing Mastery: Strategies to Unlock Your Writing Potential

Subscribe to it here.

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