Dear Writers,

I hope this letter finds you well, or at least well-caffeinated and surrounded by a few crumpled-up drafts
that resemble more of a paper mosh pit than a literary masterpiece.

If not, I have a message for you.
Stop organizing and start writing!

I get it, I really do. Organizing can be a blast.

It gives you that delightful sensation of doing something useful while secretly avoiding the terrifying blank page.

It makes you feel like you’re the Marie Kondo of your own writing space.

But let’s be real here—if your writing desk is so clean you could perform surgery on it, you’re probably not writing enough.

So, how about we make a deal?

Let’s embrace the chaos, the spilled coffee, the tangled earphones, and the breadcrumbs scattered all over the keyboard.

Let’s write first and organize later (or never).

After all, the world needs our words more than our perfectly organized filing system.

Writing is a wild adventure.

It’s like trying to tame a herd of feral plot bunnies while riding a roller coaster with your muse screaming in your ear.

And guess what? That chaos is precisely what makes it beautiful.

It’s the messiness that gives birth to those unexpected ideas, quirky humor, and brilliant one-liners.

So, why on earth are we spending hours alphabetizing our collection of writing prompts?

Now, go forth, brave scribblers!

Unleash your creativity with the ferocity of a squirrel raiding a bird feeder.

Write with wild abandon, and remember that the messier your drafts, the more brilliantly unique your stories will be.

Yours in writerly solidarity,

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