I am building my second brain.

Not because my primary brain is not functioning well, or it is not smart enough to handle all the tasks I undertake. But because I want to free it from doing things it was not designed to do.

Our brain is not designed to remember dates, facts, or pieces of information we have read somewhere. And it was never meant to memorize the books I read or the tens of articles I consume every day.

What it is good at is creating, connecting, visualizing, imagining, and coming up with good ideas.

My second brain is going to hold all the knowledge I gain from reading, listening, watching, and contemplating.

Rather than sitting in my digital folders, this information is now in a central repository where it is interacting with other ideas,
my insights and stories, my perspective and forming unique connections.

Building a second brain is the best productivity exercise I undertook in my writing career. And I want to teach it to others.

I will be holding five workshops from Monday 8 May to 5 June. The details are here.

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