I started my first journal at thirteen. It was an old hardback notebook that belonged to my father.

I started collecting quotes, little anecdotes, and bits of writing that inspired me.

As my collection grew, and I had a bit of money, I bought a nice notebook and transferred everything on it.

That journal stayed with me all my life. Whenever in a conundrum or needed the company of a wise counselor, I would open it randomly and would always find something to soothe me.

After that journal, I started several more. So many that I am running out of space to store them.

I know, one day, when I move to a smaller apartment or move on to another existence, they are going to end up in the recycling bin.

I want to save the wisdom collected in them. It has served me well over my life. I want it to serve others as well.

Today, I came across a book, where Kevin Kelly (of 1000 true fans fame) has collected hundreds of bits of, advice, in the form of aphorisms, concise observations, and quiet insights.

The project started with him collecting insights to share with his children.

He writes on his website: “I’ve been jotting down bits of advice I wished I had known earlier in my life, and then sharing them with my children. Each one is like a tweet — a wisdom tweet. This year I have put 450 of them into a pocket-sized book.”

Kelly is not claiming to have originated all the advice he presents in the book. Instead, he says, “I am primarily channeling the wisdom of the ages.”

The book is a pleasure to read straight through or jump around at random.

It has been put together in an effortless way. Not overthought, not made to look overly intelligent.

His book gave me the idea!

I, too, should turn the wisdom collected in my journals into a book. It will survive much, much later than me. And might end up helping someone else.

Here are some nuggets from Kevin Kelly’s book:

💎 For a great payoff, be especially curious about the things you are not interested in.

🦊 That thing that made you weird as a kid could make you great as an adult – if you don’t lose it.

🛫 If you are stuck in life, travel to a place you have never heard of.

💪 Taking a break is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

👺 Don’t keep on making the same mistakes; try to make new mistakes.

🎻 If you stop to listen to a musician or street performer for more than a minute, you owe them a dollar.

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