Twenty-something years ago, a forty-something, overworked full-time middle manager, mother, wife, and daughter-in-law wrote a story in her head while washing dishes. She then typed that story and saved it on her desktop.

That little story gave her confidence. So she wrote another one. Then another.

Work, home, and family commitments took all her time and energy but she vowed she will continue to write little stories even if she gets to do them in the cracks of her busy days.

She didn’t share those stories with anyone. She just let them sit in a folder on her computer.

Each story boosted her confidence a little. So much so that one day she quit her job and became a full-time author.

She went on to write books and publish them.

Today she got an email from, telling her that she is a verified author and that, one of her books will
feature on her profile page and a blue ‘Book Author’ badge will appear next to her name across Medium.

All because she dared to create.

Don’t just consume information as if it is food. While you are focused on consuming from the outside, you’re losing nourishment already inside you. Don’t make learning an excuse for not creating. Creating is more valuable than consuming.

Write a story.
Draw a sketch.
Create a melody.
Paint that painting.

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