“What changed?” you may ask.

“Everything.” I would respond.

I was traveling through the US and Canada for the past 6 weeks. Each time I travel, I return as a different person.

Travel changes you. You see new things. You meet new people. Your perspective changes. And you transform.

“Travel and vacations are a means to reshift and reorganize identities,” says Karen Stein, author of Getting Away from It All: Vacations and Identity.

How did this trip change me?

I have a better clarity of what I want to do. Before this trip, I was agonizing for months about what to do. How to take my writing to the next level. How to find a niche so that I can stick to it for years to come.

During the trip, I realized, that although I am passionate about multiple things, my real passion is “books.”

I love to read them, and l love to write them. But more than anything else, I love to help others write theirs. Several of my students have published their books, and it has changed their lives. That makes me feel proud of them.

And proud of myself.

During the trip I realized if there is one thing I can’t live without – it is writing.

But writing in a vacuum has no joy. Joy comes from when others read your stories and are transformed by them. Joy comes from when you can teach others what you do and they can replicate it.

I must say, I lacked confidence in myself. I didn’t think I had much to offer.

During the trip, the confidence of the American people rubbed off on me and I am relaunching my book writing course, my newsletter, and my challenges.

For the next few days, I will work on those and reveal them as they get ready.

Stay put.

“Future is so bright that my eyes burn looking at it.”

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