The word we chose determines how we feel.

Recently I learned how much power ‘words’ have on us.

The words not only have meaning but also emotions attached to them.

Lately, I have been using the word ‘busy,’ a lot.

‘Busy’ is a word with negative connotations. It’s a word I associate with drowning in work. I literally feel suffocated.

So, when I say ‘I am busy,’ I feel anxious, overwhelmed, and heading towards burnout.

So I replaced it with ‘fully optimized.’ The next time someone asked me how my day was going, I said, ‘Couldn’t be better. I am fully optimized.’

It instantly felt better. It generated a different emotional reaction. I felt in control and on top of things.

Think about the words in your life that might restrict you. Find a replacement word for them and watch the magic happen.

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