Tom Kuegler wrote the other day, “If writing an article feels like pulling teeth, then you need to change the topic.”

Lately, I have been feeling that my writing is getting stale. That I am running out of fresh ideas. I love writing about traveling, writing, productivity, and personal development, but I can’t do it over and over again. It feels like I am just adding to the noise.

So I changed the topic. I created a comic strip.

Image by the author

I gave the main character my name — Gogi. My nickname. The name my grandfather gave me. A name nobody has. And today, I found a comic character with the same name. A Pakistani girl created it. She gave her heroine my name! And she sketches much better than me. BBC even did a story about her and her comics.

But her topics are different. She creates comics about women’s issues and social constraints, whereas I will tackle productivity, writing, and creativity challenges.

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