If you haven’t come across Make Something Wonderful, a new eBook on Steve Jobs’s life, created by Jony Ive and Laurene Powell to celebrate his life, I suggest you do so. It is FREE, and it is brilliant. In creating the book, Jony and Laurene made something wonderful. I loved the format of the book, the way they have compiled excerpts from his speeches, emails, and photos, and the way the booking flow – part media part text.

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Motivation Productivity

Making Time

Productivity is not about doing more in less time. It is not about making to-do lists, prioritizing them, or even outsourcing. It is about “making time” in your day for the things you care about. What are your priorities? – Spending time with your family?– Learning a language?– Starting a […]


Self-doubt Is Our Ally

Self-doubt is your key to success. Self-confidence is overrated. Every personal development book puts “confidence” as the number one skill to achieve your goals. Like, if you have “self-confidence” everything else will come by default. The problem is most people don’t have self-confidence. Whereas everyone has self-doubt. It is almost […]
