I am back. After a 49-day trip around India and sleeping in strange beds, I was thankful to sleep in my bed for the last two nights.

Besides meeting family, visiting new places, and attending a wedding and special birthday celebrations, this trip had another significant purpose – to have mental rest.

What we do as writers is quite cerebral.

We need to give ourselves mental breaks in the same way that we need to sleep regularly.

Vacations regenerate our minds.

They help us get out of the rut

Before going on this trip, I was a prisoner of self-created routines.

They were driving me nuts.

I was taking on more and more projects and setting myself deadlines that I knew I couldn’t meet.

The trouble was that I couldn’t get out of the hole I dug for myself.

Everything felt important and urgent.

I was compromising my health and wellness to chase goals that had no ultimate significance.

Eight weeks away from routines, I could see nothing is more important than my health and happiness.

I have come back with a clean slate.

My priorities have changed.

Previously they were:
1. Writing
2. Family
3. Fun
4. Health

Now they are:
1. Health
2. Family
3. Fun
4. Writing

In the next few days, I will re-evaluate everything.

I will consolidate some projects and abandon others.

I will half my writing time and double the time I spend on outdoor activities.

When you give yourself time to just relax, wonderful things can happen.

Some call it serendipity.

Letting go is making space for those magic moments to happen.

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