Do you know what is your # 1 productivity problem?

When I was in paid employment, productivity was never an issue for me.

I finished my daily tasks easily, never missed a deadline and my projects were delivered on time and sometimes even before time.

But when I became an online writer, I started lagging behind.

Didn’t matter how much I did and how many hours I put in, I wasn’t meeting my daily commitments.

I tried all the productivity hacks I knew at the time.

– I made To-Do Lists.
– I scheduled time in my calendar.
– I removed distractions as much as I could.

But the struggle to come on top of my commitments continued.

Until one day, quite recently, I decided to stop doing everything.

– I stopped writing on Medium.
– I stopped posting on LinkedIn.
– I put on hold the book I was writing.

I took the time to identify the things that were stopping me from being productive.

The list was very long.

But they all boiled down to one thing.

I had to figure out what was my # 1 problem that was stopping me from being productive.

Once I figured out the root cause, I could address everything else.

I will reveal my # 1 productivity problem tomorrow.

Today I want to know what is your # 1 problem as an online writer.

Here is a list to choose from:

1. Self-doubt
2. Distractions
3. Lack of Ideas
4. Perfectionism
5. Writer’s Block
6. Procrastination
7. Lack of System
8. Poor Organisation
9. Lack of Motivation
10. Lack of Feedback
11. Lack of Structure
12. Overcommitment
13. Insufficient Breaks
14. Technical Difficulties
15. Information Overload
16. Lack of Accountability
17. Lack of Self-discipline
18. Not having a clear niche.
19. Not knowing what you are doing.


20. Something not listed here.

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