1st of January is no ordinary date.

I have been keeping tabs on my New Year’s resolutions for the past four years, and I have not only met them but exceeded them.

Here is an interesting study to prove why.

Katy Milkman was hired by Google to find out why their employees don’t take advantage of several perks offered to them, at significant cost, to exercise, eat better, learn new skills, stop smoking, save for retirement, use social media in moderation.

She found since those incentives were available all year round
employees were less motivated to avail them.

She wrote in her book, “How to Change,” most people start a new project or a new habit on a Monday, or on the 1st of a month, or at the start of the year. When they want to make change happen, people instinctively gravitate toward moments that feel like a fresh start.

A New Year typically exerts a far more significant influence on behavior than a typical Monday. So do other landmarks such as birthdays or anniversaries. The more prominent the landmark, the more likely it is to help people take a step back, regroup, and make a clean break from the past.

Surveys might say 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail, but they fail to take into account that 20% of goal-setters make a successful change, thanks to a flip of the calendar.

Set your resolution with confidence. Be one of the 20% to make whatever change you want to make in your life. Today is the day to start a new chapter in the book of your life.

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