For a long time, I have been struggling to write an article in an hour or less.

An hour is all I have in a day to write an article, that too in snippets.

In the past few months, I have been trying a strategy.

Now that I have nailed the process, I am ready to share it.

Keep in mind that it may not apply to longer articles (1000–2000 words) or researched based articles, but it works like magic with 750 words articles.

It’s a four-step process and it’s divided into fifteen-minutes blocks.

Without much ado, here it is.

First 15 minutes

I select a topic from the list of topics I have been collecting over the week or, if a brand new topic comes to mind, I pick that. For m, the trick is to pick a topic where the energy is.

I put a timer on and write uninterrupted for 15 minutes on a notepad.

Strictly on paper and strictly for 15 minutes.

This gives me an opportunity to put out whatever I know or feel about a topic.

I normally do this first thing in the morning when my mind is fresh.

This is my first draft.

Having the draft done first thing in the morning is a great feeling. My day is set now.

I will leave it now for a few hours before I can get back to it.

Second 15 minutes

Around mid-morning or in the afternoon, I set the timer again and go back to
the draft and type it.

While doing that, I refine the sentences and add new material to it. Throughout the day, my subconscious is thinking about the article. It is digging examples, stories and other related information to enrich the article.

I race the clock again and finish it within the allocated 15 minutes.

Thrid 15 minutes

I set the timer on for the third time and do the following:

  • Add an image and the footer,
  • select the tag words and
  • write an SEO description.

The article is now 80% ready for publication.

Now I will leave it for a day, allowing my subconscious to mull over it.

Fourth 15 minutes

The next day (or week), I come back to the article and line edit it, making sure it reads fluently, all the arguments are there, and I have connected the loose ends.

Last but not least, I will make sure the heading is appropriate and enticing enough so that it invites the readers to read it.

Sometimes, I will pass the heading through the headline generator apps to refine it.

Then I schedule the article or publish it straight away.

There it is, my four-step process to write an article in an hour.

Closing Remark

The magic is in racing the timer.

The more you learn to race with the clock, the better you will get at it.

Let me know how you go with it.

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