What is Inspiration?

The Oxford dictionary defines it as:

“the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.”


“a sudden brilliant or timely idea.”

Inspiration is not a skill.

It can’t be learned or mastered.

It is divine.

You could call it God, you could call it the Universe, or you could call it your super-conscious.

Once you accept that, you can learn how to tap into it.

You think you came up with a brilliant idea for that book, or for that song, or you were the genius who came up with the invention, but you did not.

You were simply the conduit.

There is a higher power, and that higher power has been whispering in your ear. She’s been telling you and pushing you and inspiring you to make that happen.

That is Inspiration.

Michael Jackson woke up at three in the morning and called his manager. “Butterflies, Butterflies.” Michael cried.

“Michael, what the hell is going on? It’s 3:00 AM,” said his manager in a sleepy voice.

“I got this idea for a song. It’s about butterflies.” said Michael, “I have got to write it.”

Exasperated, his manager said, “Michael, it is three am. Can this wait till tomorrow morning?”

“No, if I don’t write it now, Prince will.”

Inspiration comes in the form of intuition.

When you show that you have the intention to listen to it, and you’re going to start moving toward whatever is beckoning you, Inspiration removes the roadblocks.

So you don’t set goals. Your goals are not coming from society. They are not coming even from you. But they are whispered to you.

You hear whispers.

You have these little intuitive nudges you feel when you are showering or waking up in the morning. Bang! An idea for that next blog post. Or an idea for that next product. The idea for the next course. It just hits you.

This is Inspiration.

When we are inspired, we feel a deep sense of connectedness with all life and with all human beings.

With this sense of connectedness, we open up to intuition.

What is Intuition?

If you ask any high-performing CEO or any entrepreneur — how did you come up with an idea, they would say it was just my intuition. I just had this feeling in my gut.

So for many people, intuition is a sort of elusive gut thing that can’t be explained.

How did they know something?

How do you know something intuitively when no one else does?

Intuition is one of these words that gets thrown around a lot, but not many people know how to cultivate the skills to be able to hear their intuition on a daily basis.

— Emily Fletcher

And here’s the reality.

If you don’t have a daily meditation practice, it’s very hard to tell the difference between your critical mind and your intuitive mind.

Our left brain, the critical mind, is always screaming at us.

And it’s very hard to hear your intuition or your critical mind screaming at you.

Because your intuition doesn’t scream. It whispers.

But if you are tuned in, as you do during meditation, you can hear your intuition.

This intuition gives us inspiration.

And inspiration leads us to our intention.

And when we start following through on an inspired idea, luck comes to our side. Inspiration clears the way for us.

But we got to be listening. Our antenna needs to be attuned to hear the whispers. Whispers can come in any form. As an idea in the shower, or a nudge in a seminar, or as a YouTube video.

You never know.

You got to be ready.

When we are constantly going, I suck, I suck, I suck. Why I don’t have 1000 subscribers still? Why am I making no money? Why is my book not a bestseller? We can’t listen to the universe’s whispers. We are too busy listening to the chatter in our own heads.

Meditation is how you tap into intuition.

And so what meditation does is that it starts taking our right brain to the gym every single day.

Your right brain is the piece of you that is in-charge of intuition.

Think about intuition and creativity as a Wi-Fi network, and our right brain is the router. Our right brain is the piece of us that allows us to connect to the collective intelligence of the left brain is the actual computer. Right.

You could have the fanciest computer, you could have the most developed intellect, and you could have such an incredible life experience. But imagine how much good a computer is going to do you just sitting there not connected to the internet.

Now, imagine you connect that computer to the internet. How much smarter it becomes. How much more capable does it become because you’re exchanging ideas? You’re able to sense other people’s desires. You’re able to hear how nature actually wants to use you to deliver your fulfillment.

You could be naïve enough to think “writing” is the purpose of your life, but it may not be so. The universe might have something completely different for you and writing is just a medium.

The universe will reveal your purpose to you when it’s ready. And when it thinks you’re ready.

You got to learn to accept it.

And you got to learn to wait. To keep your antennas attuned to the universe so that you could hear its whispers.

The universe doesn’t shout. Neither does it issue job descriptions or duty statements. It whispers. It says, write that book. Start that business. Here is the melody. And you need to be attuned to it to hear those whispers.


There is a bigger, never-ending source from where all creativity comes from.

We all could tap into this resource.

This resource is Inspiration.

Inspiration speaks to us in whispers.

We need to be tuned to it to be able to hear it.

You do that through meditation.

Those who hear it regularly call it intuition.

This inspiration gives us the intention to create.

And when we accept its invitation, it clears the way for us.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

We have the extraordinary ability to evolve emotionally, mentally, and spiritually throughout life, taking on new ideas, thoughts, philosophies, and ways of being and living.

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